Saturday, January 3, 2015
2015-Happy New Year & Welcome Back!
I'm sure you have heard this a million times already.......What happened to 2014? It went by so fast!
In 2014, I went from a Stay-at-Home Mom to a working Mom. Well, that actually happened in 2013 but my business really picked up in 2014 and therefore this blog got pushed to the side. I miss blogging so much which leads me to one of my goals of 2015: To get back to blogging!
I still have projects that I never shared, projects I still want to accomplish and share, layout more of a schedule to stay on task with the items that I want to pursue.
I am aware that will not be easy, I mean let me be honest! -A husband, a home, two boys, a dog, a cat, working with clients, after-school activities for the boys and add in everyday life and to-dos' and I have a large demanding schedule, just like every other Mom on the planet. As I try to organize myself at the start of this new year, I hope that maybe I can find a good medium that works for me, one that is productive and successful.
This year I decided against resolutions and look more toward goals for 2015. Goals seem to stay in my head as compared to resolutions which I usually forget or dismiss by the end of January.
GOALS for 2015:
1) To be more Productive: This is across my entire life-be more productive at home, work, blogging, personally and professionally.
2) To Live in the Moment: This year I have realized that I can become so consumed with my clients that I just "go through the motions" when I am at home with my family. I need to try to separate work from home life and while I am at home-be at home in my mind also. Doing this has gotten me pulled over for speeding, forgetting promises I have made to the boys, forgetting after school sports activities and lots of enjoyment with my family.
3) To Travel: Every year we say we are going to go somewhere far away---we never do. It always gets pushed to the side. Sure we make local trips, beach trips and mountain trips (which we love and look forward to very much) but I think we need to travel somewhere new, maybe even somewhere that requires a passport!. So if you have any great places that you went with your kids, please do share!
4) To be more Patient: This year I have become a little more patient, I think ;) Just because the business I am in requires lots of patience and I learned very quickly that nothing works out like you plan. I am not patient at all, I want it done and done now and done right-but that every seldom happens. So I need to just go with the flow.
5) To have more Fun & be more Spontaneous: I am a planner, I like to plan, schedule and prepare. Which can take out a lot of spur of the moment fun. However, if you follow me on Instagram, you remember that I took at quick trip this summer with the Mr. to Ohio, saw Jerry Seinfeld (which was so awesome!), and we got a puppy. The puppy wasn't really spontaneous, I had been thinking about it and the boys had been asking for one for a long while-but the breed was spontaneous. I had my eye on a different breed. I have to admit, if it was sponateous-it was more fun!
Good Luck in 2015! Lets do this!
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