
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Love It!!

I used my food processor that my parents gave us for Christmas last night for the first time. I have to tell you that I LOVE IT!! Wow!! I have been missing out! This equipment is wonderful, easy and makes yummy chicken salad! I cannot wait to try other recipes. I am hoping to make almond pancakes soon it my new processor. Anyway I use alot of appliances in my kitchen and more here lately than ever before. I love my blender as well, every day (or sometime during the day) I make a fruit smoothie and add some "Green Powder" to it. (The green powder is full of minerals, greens, vitamins, good stuff you need) and boy I can tell a difference when I miss my daily smoothie. After all, I need all the energy I need to keep up with 2 little boys!

Since we are talking about kitchen items, this weekend, I tried two new recipes and LOVE them!! Once is a salad and the other is a soup. The salad is full of fruit and I am not one to mix fruit with veggies but I gotta tell ya, it is my new favorite salad. It would be tough to go back to the old plain salad. And the soup is great, lots of veggies and yummy!!

Oh, today is National Pancake Day, I think we will be having pancakes tonight to celebrate this occasion. The boys will love it!!
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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

This morning I woke to Jax kissing me, it was so sweet! And then kisses and a big hug from Ross & Jim. We exchanged valentine's gifts and ate breakfast of heart shaped pancakes, hard boiled eggs, bacon and grapefruit and a few chocolates. Gotta have chocolate today!!

Jim got me beautiful flowers, I got Jim a book called "The Love Dare", Ross got a Bingo Game that involves letters and sounds of the letters & candy, Jax got a book about shapes & candy.  The boys gave Jim a card that recorded their voices saying "I love you & Happy Valentine's Day" needless to say he loved it!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

49 of 50 States Has Snow

All the talk in the news is about how this is the first time in history that 49 of the 50 United States has snow. (Hawaii is the one without snow). This was what it looked like outside our front door yesterday. We are loving all this snow! It really seems like winter when snow comes so often. I think we had around 3 inches on the ground.
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Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Again?

The weather people say it is going to snow again, really??? I am loving all this snow talk and I hope to see some of the beautiful white flakes fall. I have not said anything about snow to the boys because until it happens, they will ask constantly about it, so I am holding off.

Right now it is quiet.....boys are napping and what am I to do? Surf the internet, fold laundry, bring in the trash can from the curb, scrapbook?? Well, I am not sure what to do...I get the chance to do something I want to do or need to do and I don't know what the heck to do, stuck.

The house is clean (did that Wed & Thurs). Which I love!!!! Love the clean smell and the way the carpet looks after a good vaccuum session. No dust & shinny floors, LOVE IT!!

Oh and speaking of loving it...Valentines Day is coming up. Today for lunch I made the boys pb & jelly and cut them into heart shapes!! So cute, Ross liked it. Jax didn't notice afterall he is only 2 and really is more interested in the food itself instead of what shape it is cut into.

I think I will clear off my desk and see what ideas come my way.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Just Had to Share

Ok, so this is something that would probably only happen to me, so I thought I would share it with you. I was bitten by a yellow male cat at the Humane Society on Saturday. Yep, this is one of the two puncture wounds. We went to pick out a cat to add to our family b/c the one cat that Jim and Ross decided on was not declawed and that was a must for us. So we went back this past weekend and were wondering about one cat, she had major attitude and the "cat lady" (that is what Ross called her!!! Hilarious!!) suggested this other male, yellow cat. He was big and the cat lady said that he was your "lap cat".

Well ok. Think a minute, if you were told this cat was a lap cat you are thinking loving, sweet. Well he seemed sweet, each time he came out to greet me and pushing his head forward for me to touch him. Well I did, only this time there was another male cat standing near by who he had just hissed/slapped at. Well I put my had out and waited for him to put his head toward me and he did then all of a sudden, he bit me! Oh yeah, he latched on for a while, I thought for a split second, how am I going to get my hand out of his mouth? Then he let go, I was left with the wound you see above and another one on the back of my hand. The one you see is worse. Immediately afterward I looked at my hand, I could see deep into my hand, I began to get light headed.....
" Oh my god!!" I said
"I am going to pass out" I said
"Look!" I said showing my hand to Jim
"Calm down " said Jim
Yeah, Yeah, easy for you to say, you were not just bitten by a cat!!
I went to wash my hand it finally began to bleed alot! and my hand began to shake, I was a nervous mess!
Anyway, we left w/o a cat. The boys were not listening to us and me being bitten, just not a fun time, nor the right time for us to add to our family. Just glad that the cat bit me and not one of the boys.

My lesson learned: you never know what is going through a cat's mind, keep your hands away from a cat you don't know PERIOD!! I have told the boys never touch a strange animal and what did I do??? I need to follow my own rules!!
Oh and so our best bet is to start with a kitten, one we can train and one that will be familiar with us early on, you never know what other cats have been through before you.
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Still Not Satisfied

Man, I am the most undecided person I know...I am still not happy with the way the blog looks. So I am back to plain white, for now. Will continue to see what else I come up with but for now it will do. The more I looked at the other, it was just too much, to busy, I am well simple and that is what I want my blog to be.
Happy Rainy Day!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Busy & Good Day

Today was a busy day, first it started of with the boys and I taking Custer to the vet for them to check his eye (he has an ulcer), thank goodness it is better and I pray it will continue to do so. Then we took Custer back to Matt & Jill's to stay till we get the fence built in the back yard. Then home for lunch, tried to get the boys to nap (which did not work) then off to Harris Teeter for grocery shopping. Home to put the groceries away then off to take Ross to swimming lessons and basketball practice, then home for dinner, bath time and then bedtime. 
What a day I tell ya, but the boys were so good, they did good at the vet and the grocery store, Ross was my helper at the store and Jax helped too. I was worried that I may not be able to do my complete shopping with both of them but it turned out well. That makes me happy.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

New Look

I wanted to get a new look for the new year but just did not find what I liked. Well, after seeing this I thougtht to myself, this looks like paper and me loving scrapbooking I thought that it was a good fit for our page (since I do the blogging). What ya think??