
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Dinner Out With The Girls

Yesterday the girls and I went out for dinner. By the girls, I mean, Liz, Carrie and Kim. We had the best time! It was so great to see them, to laugh and to enjoy our time together.  We talked about everything! We had a wonderful time! It is such a blessing to have such wonderful friends and although we cannot get together as much as we like, we still know that each are there in case we need them. Carrie gave me a beautiful wine glass with my initial and polka-dots on it!! I love it, it is so girly! :)

Jim is so amazing! When I came home he had both boys in bed, kitchen cleaned up as well as the entire house picked up- no toys, they were put in there place and laundry done! I love him! Thanks babe for helping me out!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Night With My Sis

My sis, Beth, is here! She came over after her busy day to spend some time with me and the boys! I am so glad she did! She helped me with the boys and clean up after dinner and even washed some of my dishes!  I love my sis!! She loves to play with the boys and it is so great to see my sis with my little men, priceless :)

Ross is glad she came over and is spending the night......he is talking away to her now and telling her that we do not wear bracelets in bed :) 

Better get to bed! Busy day tomorrow!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Kids Say Funny Things

Here are a few funny conversations with our kids:

In the car and Kenny Chesney with Uncle Kracker is playing on the radio.

Ross asked "Mommy, who is that singing with Kenny?"

Mommy says "That is Uncle Kracker."

Ross said "Uncle Kracker that is a funny name!" Ross begins to laugh and Jax begins to laugh also

Jax while laughing says "Uncle Cookie!"  

In case you are not familiar with Jax, he loves cookies and every cracker is a cookie to him.

The next conversation was with Ross while Mommy was looking at pictures online. In the pictures there were toys and he noticed one that is just like a toy he has. 

Ross says "Hey! They have a toy like mine! Why do they have one like me?"

Mommy says " Well, Ross when they made those toys, they made more than one of them."

Ross says "That was so nice of them."

So cute!! :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Afternoon with my Best Friend

Today, I got to spend this afternoon with my best friend, Liz. She came over to see me and we talked and looked through baby stuff and enjoyed each other's company. It was so nice to see her. It is so hard to get together sometimes when family life is so hectic. Talking with friends is the best medicine! :) I am looking forward to next weekend when us girls are getting together!! Us Moms need some time to get together and talk and laugh. I cannot wait!!! 

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday (Yesterday)

Our little man turned 4 yesterday. WOW time really does fly! I cannot believe it! We got him a Spongebob cake from The Sweet Shop and a Spongebob toy. He did not understand why he gets 2 birthday party cakes gets to celebrate twice. I had to explain that his birthday was during the week and it was hard for everyone to get together then so we needed to have a party this weekend to get everyone here. Once he understood that he was good to go and excited! I love our little man! Happy Birthday Ross!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

MOPS & Facebook

MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers. It is an organization of mothers, pregnant and with children of preschool age. We meet twice a month at a local church. I am in charge of publicity for our group. I have been working on brochures to put out in various places in the county and I have also put our group on Facebook. 

I am not on Facebook myself, everyone asks.."Are you on Facebook?"  I have been wondering for a while and still am "What is the big deal?"      Well, I think I am beginning to see what the "big deal" is. It is a place to see pictures of people you may not have seen in a while, chat with those you see all the time, or just make general comments about your life for the world to know. Anyway, I am still debating the Facebook issue. What do you think?

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Today we went shopping at Southpark and then ate at my favorite pizza place..WOLFMANS!!! I love that place!! Then off to Target. The kids were so good and they had not even had a nap! And Ross is spending the night with Mama & Papa and Jax is in the bed early. Wierd..I get time when I am able to do stuff I normally would not be able to do, like scrapbook for a while or bake a dish have been wanting to try, but instead all I feel like doing is going to bed! Does that ever change? I hope I will stop being so tired. But, I guess what can I expect when little ones or in my case at this time, little one is keeping me up at night. 

I cannot believe Ross is going to be 4 years old in a few days! Time is flying! He is such a little man and so cute! I have got to post some pictures soon. Last time I tried we were having internet issues and the pictures would not load, but now the problem has been fixed so I will have to try again. 

Off to watch some mindless tv and snooze :)